Friday, April 6, 2007

Schroedinger's Cat

Schroedinger's Cat

Ok first of all a few announcements. This is the last time i will announce this as by now all you should be aware. At the end of this blog will be the new feature that i started which is Did you know. This includes interesting facts. General physics, chemistry, biology, entomology etc. Hopefully people doing blog searches on these subjects will pull up my blog and therefore hopefully inherit an interest in Quantum Physics.

Also one of my readers has posted an update to an older blog i did. The blog is titled "On the way to Quantum Computing?" Since i posted this there has been time to assimilate and study the data resulting from the experiment. I don't know how this got past me but since she has posted it rather than do an updating blog i will direct you to the comment section of that blog for an update. My thanks goes to Brianna for taking the time to do this.

Also i will protect the identity of a very famous person who has subscribed to this blog because i do not know if he wants it known or not that he is a subscriber but I want to tell him that we all are aware that you are interested in Quantum Physics. I however didn't know that you had done what you promote in your profile and I will tell you that my blogs recieve an extremely high volume of traffic and has a substantial amount of suscribers. So if you will take the time to post even a one word comment like ok, hi or anything so that your profile will appear i assure you that you will receive more sales especially because of the samples you provide on your profile. If you dont then I will assume that you wanted to remain unkown and that is ok as well.

To my suscribers if you never read another blog from me, do not miss the posting in May, I'm currently conducting some Quantum Physics experiments in time travel and the results are going to be posted in that blog. If you love time travel do not miss it!! i can promise you an exciting blog. Am i going to try to time travel? Umm....well stay tuned.

Ok so now onto the subject at hand. A reader of mine made a comment on the blog titled "can we be dissolved on a quantum level. " My thanks to him for posting that comment as that's what inspired me to write on this subject.

Erwin Schroedinger was an Austrian physicist who used a famous illustration to project the conflict between what quantum physics tells us is true about the nature and behavior of matter and what we observe to be true about the nature and behavior of said matter.

This is called Quantum Theory of Superposition. Basically the illustration consists of three things, a cat, a vial of hydrocyanic acid (HCN), a geiger counter with a small amount of radioactive material, and of course a live cat.

Now all three are place in a sealed steel container. If even one atom of the radioactive material decays then it triggers a mechanism which releases a hammer that smashes a vial containing the acid, thereby killing the cat. Now if the hydrocyanic acid, also having been called Prussic acid or Hydrogen Cyanide, is released then inhalation can cause death within a minute.

Quantum theory of superposition states that when we do not know the state of an object, then it is in all possible states simultaneously. Therefore since we don't know if the atom has decayed then the cat is both dead and alive at the same time. It is not until we open the steel box that the quantum theory of superposition dissapates. This theory is illustrated below :

This was also illustrated by Thomas Young in his famous double slit experiment. By aiming a beam of light at a barrier with two double slits the result showed that light consists of waves , when the resulting pattern showed the interference caused by the waves and particles being forced through the slits.

So by this illustration we can better understand the quantum theory of superposition. So ask yourself since you don't know the state of anyone else are you the only one alive on earth now? Are any of my readers alive and well? I wont know unless you comment. If you don't then i can assume you are both dead and alive.

Please, don't miss my May blog i can guarantee you will love it. Once im done with my experiments ill post it. Comment your thoughts on this blog.

Did You Know:

If you capture a house fly and drown him in a bowl of water you can pour salt on him and in about two minutes he will come back to life. This also works on other insects as well but the harder the exoskeleton is the longer and more salt it takes. This must be done immediately after the insect has drowned. I have personally done this experiment on a fly and it does work. Sadly i tried on a grasshopper and it was either too late or not enough salt. I did however do it again on another grasshopper and i completely buried his body under salt except for his head and he did come back to life. This is a good science experiment to do for class. Although they appear dead they technically are not. How? Well did you know they are actually water logged and that applying salt draws the water out of the lungs? The same thing as doing CPR on a human after they have drowned. The compressions applied during the CPR forces the water out of the lungs like the salt draws it out of the fly. If you try this experiment do it on a fly as i have had 100% results. Capture him in flight its not as hard as it seems. Just be careful when capture him that you don't damage his wings, after all we want him to fly off after he comes back, that is the exciting part!

Can String Theory help us make amazing medical advances?

Well hello all my peeps, due to a cranky puter that wanted to crash on me i had to repair it when i found the time. That was the hard part was finding the time. So sorry so long. Remember that i do have a new feature at the end of this blog called Did You Know. This will feature general sciences and interesting facts. The goal here it that when people do blog searches on general science, chemistry, physics, etc. that they will be directed to my blogs. Then they will see the Quantum Physics material, and after exclaiming What the @#$% ? Hence hopefully come over to the other side so to speak.
So i have an interesting theory, bear with me as i set it up.
Ok we know that all matter is made up of atoms. We also know that based on how fast the atoms zip around will determine how malleable the matter is.
For instance, zipping real fast makes hard substances, concrete, wood , metal etc. and of course zipping slower makes liquids. Which brings to a MATTER that should be addressed, no pun intended, if you put a liquid in the freezer what are you actually doing?? Well most peeps would say your decreasing the temperature of the liquid in order to cause it to freeze. This in effect is true.
But on a smaller scale, quantum level that is, what you are actually doing is exciting the atoms to zip around faster and faster until the matter becomes hard, Hey were talking atoms here get your mind outta the gutter, thus forming ice.
And of course the really lazy atoms who drag their feet and dont wanna work or go anywhere, IE the couch potatoe of atoms, are gases also inert gases.
ok patience im leading somewhere here. Anyway we know what atoms are made of right? Particles called protons, nuetrons, electrons and so forth. Well when know that these particles are made up of Quarks. And physcists believe that, delving into the quantum level of atoms, everthing regarding a particle is made up of vibrating strings. This is called String Theory. In a future blog i will get more in depth in that and the man who helped co-found it, Dr. Michio Kaku.
Now remember i stated that the harder matter, or solids, is made up of fast zipping atoms? Well in order for the atoms to zip around so much requires a faster frequency of vibrations on the strings, thus the faster the vibration the faster the atom.
Ok now here is my cool theory based on these facts:
What if we could apply this in the medical field? Think about this. We dont have the technology to view atoms on a subatomic level let alone strings. I mean the best we can do is particle accelerators. I dare say that in my lifetime we will never see that technology. Ok if your reading this blog and its like 3010 and your saying: What's this guy talking about, that's ancient history. Well we didnt have it here but at least im confident that you, even in the year 3010, know who Beethoven is!!!
Am i that conceded to think my blogs will be around that long! I sure hope so. Sorry of track lets get back to it.
Since the frequency of the vibrations determine the strength of matter, what if we could alter that on a quantum level? Such medical anomolies such as deteriation of bones, broken bones etc. would be history.
I mean lets take broken vertebra for example. Remember Christopher Revee who was paralyzed because of this? Well a broken or degenitive bone is actually an interruption of the vibrations of strings. When bones deteriate its actually slows the frequency of the strings causing the solid to reverse its matter state.
Broken vertebra could actually either be slowed or broken strings. So now im a quantum doctor doing surgery on a quantum level, paralysis? No problem, I'll just repair the broken string or increase the vibrational level of the weak string or perhaps even replace the lazy string with a fresh lively vibrating one! Paralysis? Not anymore all of a sudden the man is walking again, the man with a deteriating spinal column has fresh new bones grown instantly when i speed up the strings thus speeding up the atoms! Now were talking real medicine. So much would be a thing of the past. Ever happen? Probably not in my lifetime because we can't even see strings yet. Let alone repair or replace yet. This self proclaimed amateur quantum physcists would love the chance to get to see a string.
Comment me your thoughts on this theory.

Did You Know
Don't us guys all wish we were fleas? Why?
Did you know that the flea has the largest penis of all insects, being such a little guy? It has what some people call three penises, This in fact is incorrect. It actually has one telescoping penis that is three segments long. Imagine the old time mariner telescopes that collapse within itself enabling the user to put it in his pocket. Well thats how a fleas penis works. it is 2/3rds his body length and 65% of his weight. But don't expect to turn him over and see it because it collapses within itself and withdrawls within his body. Why?
Well think about this: Did you know that a flea can jump hundreds of times its height? He gets about a yard off the ground?
Well his penis collapses withing his body thus allowing him to be or stay aerodynamic so as to have no wind resistance or drag from his penis, not only that but think about a penis 2/3rds the size of his body and he jumps right? Well whats the first thing that he is gonna land on when he touches the ground? OUCH!! yeah you get the picture.
More later.

Feynman and his diagrams simplify equations?

There is a new feature added to my blog. After the quantum physics dicussion there will be a Did You Know section. This section will consists of General sciences IE Chemistry, Physics, Biology etc. this is desgined to draw new subscribers interested in this and then hopefully will be curious and drawn to the Quantum Physics part of the blog. If you like this let me know and also if you dont. I want you to read the whole blog and let me know in a private message what you think, your input will determine the outcome of future blogs as i wish to make my subscribers happy.

Ok now lets talk about Richard Feynman and his diagrams. Born in 1918 he went on to receive the nobel prize for his theory of QED or Quantum Electrodynamics. Basically this means its the quantum field theory of electromagnetism. It describes the interactions of electrically charged particles exchanging photons.

Feynman had many diagrams which were much shorter and easier to understand than the corresponding mathematical equations. Basically its the shorthand of the equations. Many would be a code to other physicists on the math. A Feynman diagram can be considered a graph of particle interaction. Now lets take a look at some of his diagrams and see how a picture can simplify equations.

Let us first consider Gluon Radiation. This states that an electron and positron destroying each other and forming a photon in turn becomes a quark, antiquark pair which in turn produces a gluon. This can simply be shown by one of Feynman diagrams:

Feynman's diagram of Gluon Radiation.

The values are self explantory. Some of Feynam diagrams resembled and was given the name Penguin Diagrams:

This simple diagram describes the interaction of Quarks.
Feynman also diagramed The Photo-electric effect, which basically states that a force on a charged particle absorbs or collides with the photon. The resulting electromagnetic field consists of photons:

The Photo-Electric Effect.
This shows that one electron emits a photon and the second electron absorbs and gains momentum.

Do any of you electronically inclined notice the symbols for the diodes and coil?

There are many more diagrams that Fenyman shared with the physics world. His contribution will forever be ingrained in the mind of physicsists.

The problem of calculating cross sections in particle physics of all possible intermediate states can be represented by Feynman diagrams.
They provide insight to actions of particle interactions which take place at speeds faster than the speed of light.

Now think about this: If we could manipulate matter on a particle level which travels at the speed of light and becomes energy could we not move and reassemble that said matter in a different location? Can we say Beam me up Scotty? Another words a transporter. Also what if we could manipulate ourselves on a particle level? Could we not then travel faster than the speed of light?
I sure would like to manipulate all the particles of my car! wow i'd be fast. The possiblities are endless.

A new addition to my blogs follows, Tell me what you think.


Archimede's Principle law of buoyancy states:
Any body partially or completely submerged in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. Another words if the downwards force and the buoyant force provided by the displaced fluid are equal then the body floats.
So what happens if we can manipulate this principle? What if we had a ship that could manipulate this law of buoyancy? Would that not make a great military weapon? Well we do have such a ship and it is a great war weapon. It's called a Submarine. Yes the Submarine was designed based on Archimede's principle of buoyancy.

But did you know that Archemede's discovered this law while in his bath tub? This is true. Which raises the question. How the hell can you discover buoyancy while taking a bath? Well i guess Mr. Archimede's was quite fond of Mr. Rubber Duckie! LOL. More later

Can we be dissolved on a Quantum level?

Allright my fellow quantum enthusiasts. Let's consider this. What if a country, hopefully the U.S.A. of course, had access to a weapon that would invisibly cause us to melt away or decay on an subatomic level?
Well we all know that water is the universal solvent right? But it dissolves, or metaphorically, decays matter even though it take years and years it still will dissolve even the strongest of steel.
But what about humans? What if we could be dissolved by a super secret subatomic weapon? Possible? I think it possible and let us examine how.
We must first understand what makes us, and how we can reverse the process. Well we all know that we are made up of matter. Well then what makes up matter? Atoms of course. Now we have to know what makes up Atoms. We know that atoms are made of particles called protons, neutrons and electrons.
The protons and neutrons are in the nucleus, with electrons orbiting. Well now we must understand that this is where quarks come in. Protons and neutrons contain three quarks each and depending on the position and color of the quark we know what the charge is going to be.
Now we must go even furthur than that. This is where string theory comes in to the picture. According to string theory all particles that make up forces and matter are composed of harminous vibrating strings. So basically on a subatomic level down the level of the vibrating strings, we actually are all holy. We are walking around resembling Chex cereal, you could see right through us.
These vibrating strings all have a harmonious frequency. This has been compared to an orchestra that is playing a well harmonized symphony. So how would we in effect disolve the orchestra? Well since each section of the orchestra has only the sheet music that applies to there corresponding instrument, They must rely on the conductor to tell thim when to play there part of the musical piece.
So the answer is simple, in order to disolve the orchestra you have to take the conductor out of the picture so that the hamony turns into chaos. What if I was sitting in the audience and during the third movement of the symphony, I threw a rock hitting the conductor in the head and knocking him out? Well the orchestra would immediately lose their harmony.
So what we have to do is interrupt the harmony of the vibrating strings of the string theory and walla. Effectively taking out the conductor. So how would we do that?
Well in order to break up matter we would have to break up atoms. How do we break up atoms? Well its referred to as splitting the atom. How do you do that? Well one way would be to strip the atom of a bunch of its electrons by using a pulsing light or charged plates then circulate them through a curved magnetic field and since the atom has lost some electrons it becomes charged and charge particles speed up when you put them through a curved magnetic field and it keeps getting faster until finally you change the magnetic field until the atom smashing and its particles come flying out like a fighter.
Charged particles can also be accelerated by a electrostatic field simply by placing electrodes with a huge potiental difference at each end of an and evecauted tube. These are just two examples and these are also called particle accelerators.
In order to have a particle accelerator you must have three things, first you have to have a source of elementry particles or ions. Then next a tube that is pumped so that there is a partial vaccum so that particles can travel freely then last but not least you have to have a source of speeding up the particles.
Now that the atom is split lets get back to the string theory level. Its theorized that if you put the vibrating strings side by side, it woud take a hundred billion billion of them to stretch across a proton.
If you can interrupt the harmonious frequency of the vibrating strings. Just like the orchestra, chaos will occur and start dissloving the matter. How long will that take? We really dont know yet. But im sure we are heading that direction.
So in effect we would basically de-evoultionize or instead of moving foward and again we would start to decay or dissolve. This would apply to all matter not just the matter that makes us up.
A weapon able to do this would only have to be activated and then just set back and wait.
Impossible you say? Well in the words of Sherlock Holmes "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains however improbable, must be the truth."
In closing i have gotten several suggestions on material for future blogs. One of my subscribers ask that i take the time to talk about Fenyman and his many diagrams. This in itself covers lots of material. I may have to do more than one blog on that one. Someone else asked for more indepth on String theory and another wanted some more material on time travel. To my readers i appreciate the suggestings, keep them coming.
I may not get to your requests quickly as you like but that doesnt mean i have forgotten ok? Until next time keep on reading and ill keep on posting.

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, an in depth explaination.

Allright, for those of you well versed in Quantum Physics, don't read this blog as you already know this information. Now for the rest of you here goes.
In a nutshell: In 1927 Werner Heisenberg discovered the uncertainty principle. What that shows is that you cannot determine exactly both the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously. So what exactly does this mean? Let's get in more detail.
Basically what it means is that a quantum entity, an electron for example, does not have a precise position and a precise velocity at the same time. The electron itself, for example, doesn't know both where it's at or where it is going.
This is based on the idea of wave-particle duality, which states: a wave does not exist "at a point" in the same way a particle can. This uncertainity is the whole nature of quantum reality.
If the world ran strictly by Newton's laws, then everything including the tiniest of particle's, would be determined in advance. Because of uncertainities existing at a sub-atomic level, The quantum world exists on statitistical probabilities rather than measurable certainities.
Now consider this:
Niels Bohr found that by an electrical attraction between a positive nucleus and the negative electron holds the electron in orbit. Bohr also stated that each electron has a fixed amount of energy that corresponds with its fixed orbit. When an electron absorbs energy it jumps to the next higher orbit rather than moving continously between orbits. This is known as the quantum theory of the atom.
However, if we define reality as that which can be observed by all, then we have to conclude that there is no determined movement of an electron around a nucleus. Another words taking Heisenberg literally, when you are not looking at the moon, it does not exist.
On a subatomic level we have to consider the possibility that there is a reality independent of observation and that there is an actual trajectory by the electron that cannot be measured. So the moon may be there after all and this is the essence of the Uncertainity Principle.
In conclusion, we as human beings have free will. Even god gives us this free will to make mistakes. We thereby learn from them. Physicists believe that free will can be traced back to the uncertainity built into the laws of quantum physics. Those of us that are avid lovers of quantum physics will read every single thing ever written about it.
When this blog began i specifically told those of you well versed in quantum physics not to read this. Out of 100 of you i dare to bet all 100 of you read it anyway. So i tell those of you, that you have been had!!
By reading this anyway, you demonstrated Heisenbergs Uncertainity Principle. For that i thank you. Nothing is certain and in the quantum physics world of the immeasurable, this principle is the epotimy of quantum physics itself.
Thank you for you attention, comment me PUBLICLY your thoughts. Stay tuned for more blogs on the world of the subatomic.

What causes the evaporation of black holes?

Allright, first of all sorry the previous blog was so short. Originally these two blogs were going to be one but i had no place to plug in my laptop and the battery was dieing. Enough of that now let us continue. So i have explained Loop Quantum Gravity now let's get into another theory and how its possible that black holes can be evaporated. Quantum Field Theory is the mathematical computations for elementary particle physics. The mathematical computations allow us to analyze the creation and destruction of particles like electrons and protons. The QFT of interactions between charged particles and the electromagnetic field can be demonstrated in Quantum Electrodynamics. We also know that curved space times with the gravitional sources as described by general relativity can be placed by the concept of QFT. Ok so now your probably wondering what the heck does this have to do with black holes. Well QFT and LQG work in tandem in the space time containing a black hole. A model of quantum particles in this sceneario was examined by physicist Stephen Hawkin, his results found that in early times of the black hole not a particle is present but in the later times of its life so to speak it emits a steady stream of particles into infinity. Hence evaporation. Simply stated a black holes emits quantum particles!!! this is stated as a theory called "Hawkin Radiation". The greater the mass of the black hole the lesser the intensity of Hawkin Radiation, where as the lesser the mass of the black hole significant mass and energy are radiated away. This leads to a process in which the energy become so intense that there is a gigantic flash that occurs which evaporates the black hole. Now my thought on this is that this is fascinating however keep this under your hat. We wouldnt want our military to get a hold of this, Harness a small massed black hole and using it. Can we say WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION? Now many of you send me private comments on my blogs but i am asking you post them publicly as i wanted this to be a forum shared with the public, I like doing and sharing my thoughts and theories and you sharing comments but please do it publicly otherwise there is no reason for me to continue with the blogs so if you enjoy them let me know and post comments publicly and i will try to blog more often as the world of quantum physics is large enough to share with everyone. Next blog i will get in depth with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

What causes the evaporation of black holes?

Allright, first of all sorry the previous blog was so short. Originally these two blogs were going to be one but i had no place to plug in my laptop and the battery was dieing. Enough of that now let us continue. So i have explained Loop Quantum Gravity now let's get into another theory and how its possible that black holes can be evaporated. Quantum Field Theory is the mathematical computations for elementary particle physics. The mathematical computations allow us to analyze the creation and destruction of particles like electrons and protons. The QFT of interactions between charged particles and the electromagnetic field can be demonstrated in Quantum Electrodynamics. We also know that curved space times with the gravitional sources as described by general relativity can be placed by the concept of QFT. Ok so now your probably wondering what the heck does this have to do with black holes. Well QFT and LQG work in tandem in the space time containing a black hole. A model of quantum particles in this sceneario was examined by physicist Stephen Hawkin, his results found that in early times of the black hole not a particle is present but in the later times of its life so to speak it emits a steady stream of particles into infinity. Hence evaporation. Simply stated a black holes emits quantum particles!!! this is stated as a theory called "Hawkin Radiation". The greater the mass of the black hole the lesser the intensity of Hawkin Radiation, where as the lesser the mass of the black hole significant mass and energy are radiated away. This leads to a process in which the energy become so intense that there is a gigantic flash that occurs which evaporates the black hole. Now my thought on this is that this is fascinating however keep this under your hat. We wouldnt want our military to get a hold of this, Harness a small massed black hole and using it. Can we say WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION? Now many of you send me private comments on my blogs but i am asking you post them publicly as i wanted this to be a forum shared with the public, I like doing and sharing my thoughts and theories and you sharing comments but please do it publicly otherwise there is no reason for me to continue with the blogs so if you enjoy them let me know and post comments publicly and i will try to blog more often as the world of quantum physics is large enough to share with everyone. Next blog i will get in depth with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.