Friday, April 6, 2007

Schroedinger's Cat

Schroedinger's Cat

Ok first of all a few announcements. This is the last time i will announce this as by now all you should be aware. At the end of this blog will be the new feature that i started which is Did you know. This includes interesting facts. General physics, chemistry, biology, entomology etc. Hopefully people doing blog searches on these subjects will pull up my blog and therefore hopefully inherit an interest in Quantum Physics.

Also one of my readers has posted an update to an older blog i did. The blog is titled "On the way to Quantum Computing?" Since i posted this there has been time to assimilate and study the data resulting from the experiment. I don't know how this got past me but since she has posted it rather than do an updating blog i will direct you to the comment section of that blog for an update. My thanks goes to Brianna for taking the time to do this.

Also i will protect the identity of a very famous person who has subscribed to this blog because i do not know if he wants it known or not that he is a subscriber but I want to tell him that we all are aware that you are interested in Quantum Physics. I however didn't know that you had done what you promote in your profile and I will tell you that my blogs recieve an extremely high volume of traffic and has a substantial amount of suscribers. So if you will take the time to post even a one word comment like ok, hi or anything so that your profile will appear i assure you that you will receive more sales especially because of the samples you provide on your profile. If you dont then I will assume that you wanted to remain unkown and that is ok as well.

To my suscribers if you never read another blog from me, do not miss the posting in May, I'm currently conducting some Quantum Physics experiments in time travel and the results are going to be posted in that blog. If you love time travel do not miss it!! i can promise you an exciting blog. Am i going to try to time travel? Umm....well stay tuned.

Ok so now onto the subject at hand. A reader of mine made a comment on the blog titled "can we be dissolved on a quantum level. " My thanks to him for posting that comment as that's what inspired me to write on this subject.

Erwin Schroedinger was an Austrian physicist who used a famous illustration to project the conflict between what quantum physics tells us is true about the nature and behavior of matter and what we observe to be true about the nature and behavior of said matter.

This is called Quantum Theory of Superposition. Basically the illustration consists of three things, a cat, a vial of hydrocyanic acid (HCN), a geiger counter with a small amount of radioactive material, and of course a live cat.

Now all three are place in a sealed steel container. If even one atom of the radioactive material decays then it triggers a mechanism which releases a hammer that smashes a vial containing the acid, thereby killing the cat. Now if the hydrocyanic acid, also having been called Prussic acid or Hydrogen Cyanide, is released then inhalation can cause death within a minute.

Quantum theory of superposition states that when we do not know the state of an object, then it is in all possible states simultaneously. Therefore since we don't know if the atom has decayed then the cat is both dead and alive at the same time. It is not until we open the steel box that the quantum theory of superposition dissapates. This theory is illustrated below :

This was also illustrated by Thomas Young in his famous double slit experiment. By aiming a beam of light at a barrier with two double slits the result showed that light consists of waves , when the resulting pattern showed the interference caused by the waves and particles being forced through the slits.

So by this illustration we can better understand the quantum theory of superposition. So ask yourself since you don't know the state of anyone else are you the only one alive on earth now? Are any of my readers alive and well? I wont know unless you comment. If you don't then i can assume you are both dead and alive.

Please, don't miss my May blog i can guarantee you will love it. Once im done with my experiments ill post it. Comment your thoughts on this blog.

Did You Know:

If you capture a house fly and drown him in a bowl of water you can pour salt on him and in about two minutes he will come back to life. This also works on other insects as well but the harder the exoskeleton is the longer and more salt it takes. This must be done immediately after the insect has drowned. I have personally done this experiment on a fly and it does work. Sadly i tried on a grasshopper and it was either too late or not enough salt. I did however do it again on another grasshopper and i completely buried his body under salt except for his head and he did come back to life. This is a good science experiment to do for class. Although they appear dead they technically are not. How? Well did you know they are actually water logged and that applying salt draws the water out of the lungs? The same thing as doing CPR on a human after they have drowned. The compressions applied during the CPR forces the water out of the lungs like the salt draws it out of the fly. If you try this experiment do it on a fly as i have had 100% results. Capture him in flight its not as hard as it seems. Just be careful when capture him that you don't damage his wings, after all we want him to fly off after he comes back, that is the exciting part!

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