Friday, April 6, 2007

Feynman and his diagrams simplify equations?

There is a new feature added to my blog. After the quantum physics dicussion there will be a Did You Know section. This section will consists of General sciences IE Chemistry, Physics, Biology etc. this is desgined to draw new subscribers interested in this and then hopefully will be curious and drawn to the Quantum Physics part of the blog. If you like this let me know and also if you dont. I want you to read the whole blog and let me know in a private message what you think, your input will determine the outcome of future blogs as i wish to make my subscribers happy.

Ok now lets talk about Richard Feynman and his diagrams. Born in 1918 he went on to receive the nobel prize for his theory of QED or Quantum Electrodynamics. Basically this means its the quantum field theory of electromagnetism. It describes the interactions of electrically charged particles exchanging photons.

Feynman had many diagrams which were much shorter and easier to understand than the corresponding mathematical equations. Basically its the shorthand of the equations. Many would be a code to other physicists on the math. A Feynman diagram can be considered a graph of particle interaction. Now lets take a look at some of his diagrams and see how a picture can simplify equations.

Let us first consider Gluon Radiation. This states that an electron and positron destroying each other and forming a photon in turn becomes a quark, antiquark pair which in turn produces a gluon. This can simply be shown by one of Feynman diagrams:

Feynman's diagram of Gluon Radiation.

The values are self explantory. Some of Feynam diagrams resembled and was given the name Penguin Diagrams:

This simple diagram describes the interaction of Quarks.
Feynman also diagramed The Photo-electric effect, which basically states that a force on a charged particle absorbs or collides with the photon. The resulting electromagnetic field consists of photons:

The Photo-Electric Effect.
This shows that one electron emits a photon and the second electron absorbs and gains momentum.

Do any of you electronically inclined notice the symbols for the diodes and coil?

There are many more diagrams that Fenyman shared with the physics world. His contribution will forever be ingrained in the mind of physicsists.

The problem of calculating cross sections in particle physics of all possible intermediate states can be represented by Feynman diagrams.
They provide insight to actions of particle interactions which take place at speeds faster than the speed of light.

Now think about this: If we could manipulate matter on a particle level which travels at the speed of light and becomes energy could we not move and reassemble that said matter in a different location? Can we say Beam me up Scotty? Another words a transporter. Also what if we could manipulate ourselves on a particle level? Could we not then travel faster than the speed of light?
I sure would like to manipulate all the particles of my car! wow i'd be fast. The possiblities are endless.

A new addition to my blogs follows, Tell me what you think.


Archimede's Principle law of buoyancy states:
Any body partially or completely submerged in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. Another words if the downwards force and the buoyant force provided by the displaced fluid are equal then the body floats.
So what happens if we can manipulate this principle? What if we had a ship that could manipulate this law of buoyancy? Would that not make a great military weapon? Well we do have such a ship and it is a great war weapon. It's called a Submarine. Yes the Submarine was designed based on Archimede's principle of buoyancy.

But did you know that Archemede's discovered this law while in his bath tub? This is true. Which raises the question. How the hell can you discover buoyancy while taking a bath? Well i guess Mr. Archimede's was quite fond of Mr. Rubber Duckie! LOL. More later

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